{{ invoice.payer.name }}
{% if invoice.payer.additionalInfo1 | length > 1 %}{{ invoice.payer.additionalInfo1 }}
{% endif %} {% if invoice.payer.additionalInfo2 | length > 1 %}{{ invoice.payer.additionalInfo2 }}
{% endif %} {{ invoice.payer.address }}
{{ invoice.payer.postcode }} {{ invoice.payer.city }}
EM Dienstleistungsges. mbH
Mergenthalerallee 79 - 81
D - 65760 Eschborn
Telefon: +49 (0) 176-80183217
Internet: https://emgmbh.com
Email: buero@emgmbh.com
{% block body %} {% endblock %} {% if invoice.data.globalComments is defined and invoice.data.globalComments is not empty %}

{% trans %}Comments{% endtrans %}: {{ invoice.data.globalComments }}

{% endif %} {% if invoice.data.paymentDeadline is defined and invoice.data.paymentDeadline is not empty and invoice.data.paymentDeadline > 0 %}

{% trans %}The date of payment is{% endtrans %} {{ invoice.data.paymentDeadline }}

{% endif %}