{% extends 'invoice/pdf/base.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{% trans %}Invoice number{% endtrans %}:
{{ invoice.numberString }}
{% trans %}Payer number{% endtrans %}:
{{ invoice.payer.number }}
{% trans %}Date{% endtrans %}:
{{ invoice.date | date('Y-m-d') }}
{% trans %}Invoice{% endtrans %} |
{% trans %}For the preparation of your payroll we will charge the following{% endtrans %}:
{% for i in 1..5 %}
{% if invoice.data['reason' ~ i] is not empty %}
{{ invoice.data['reason' ~ i] }} |
{{ invoice.data['comments' ~ i] }} |
{{ invoice.data['amount' ~ i] }} € |
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% trans %}Net amount sum{% endtrans %} |
{{ data.totalNet | number_format }} € |
{% trans %}VAT amount{% endtrans %} {{ (data.tax*100)|round }}% |
{{ data.totalTax | number_format }} € |
{% trans %}Subtotal{% endtrans %} |
{{ data.totalGross | number_format }} € |
{% trans %}Less discount{% endtrans %} |
- € |
{% trans %}Transfer amount{% endtrans %} |
{{ data.totalGross | number_format }} € |
{% endblock %}